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Gary E McCubbin posted a condolence
Monday, October 9, 2023
Larry was a member of the church I served in Belvidere, South Dakota. He rededicated his life to the Lord Jesus Christ as an adult and he never looked back.
Larry used his interest in music to share with others his love for his Savior Jesus Christ. He distributed copies of the songs that we wrote and would sometimes sing them at the Belvidere church.
When you met Larry, you could not mistake his commitment that others should know the transforming power of Jesus Christ. He often came to my office to share his latest song.
I sold Larry my Volkswagen bus and he had it for many years. He would often remind me that it had a Porsche engine which was rare.
Larry especially had a heart for the Native American people. He was often on the reservation passing out copies of his songs and doing whatever he could to help the people.
It was my privilege to be his pastor and his friend.
Kathy Brandt posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
I always enjoyed visiting with Larry when I came to visit my mom. I will miss seeing him sitting outside the front door. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Beth Kizer posted a condolence
Friday, September 15, 2023
Uncle Larry had such an infectious spirit of love and laughter for life. A smile was never far from his face. His precious family and friends are all recipients of his gifts. He was a blessing to this world and will be missed.
Daryl Witt posted a condolence
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Larry you will be missed by all as you were a classmate of mine. RIP and will see you on the other heavenly shore.
Daryl Witt
Dallas and Lois Thomas uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Larry use to stop at our home and would give us a copy of the latest song he wrote. I would always have him sing it cuz I loved his rich voice even within his piano it was beautiful. When we lost Travis Larry wrote a song for him. Larry was a very compassionate and caring man that didn’t want anyone to perish. He had a-lot of Native American’s that he use to try to give them a copy of his songs. They weren’t taking them so he stapled a dollar to the letter. He said that really worked and they called him “ the dollar man!” He reached out to anyone regardless of his race. stature in life, and accepted you where you were. Larry was a wonderful Christian man that will be missed. Give Lois a hug for us!
David and Tracey Grimme posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Dear Grimme Family
Very sorry for the sudden loss of Uncle Larry! I am sure it's been a shock to you all and we have been praying for you this week and will continue in future days. I can only imagine the impact from the your loss of your Dad.
You Dad was such a beaming light of joy to us and others and we know that came from his faith in Jesus! I always admired Uncle Larry for unapologetically but sincerely sharing his faith through words and songs and this is a great tribute to his service to Jesus' commands that we share the gospel with all. He and Lois did that throughout their lives and Uncle Larry completed his service on earth this week after Lois. Jesus has already said to both "well done good and faithful servants" Congratulations Uncle Larry and Aunt Lois!
All of our family always got Larry and Lois's homemade Christmas cards and they were so special. I will always picture Uncle Larry (and Aunt Lois) with smiles, laughter, and an infectious energy that all came for love from God and for their family and friends. Michael, Steve, and Marty, your Dad was truly special here on earth. Now he joins Aunt Lois in heaven. You have a great legacy to continue! Blessings to you and your families. Smile as often as you can in honor of your Dad and Mom and they will join you in those smiles from heaven Share Jesus!
Stay strong together and support each other. Please reach out to us however we can help.
With Love!
David and Tracey Grimme and all of our families
Anonymous purchased flowers
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

With Fondest Memories! From Duane and Carol, Paul and Julie and family, David and Tracey and family, and Beth and Brian and family.
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Jim Pederson posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Mr. Grimme was the most humorous and also the best teacher that I had at Scotland High.
Jim Pederson Class of 65.
Paul Grimme posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Uncle Larry lived his passions and that provided many benefits and memories to those around him. My memories of him will be filled with his smiles and laughter! A good life lived.
Seth Gammon posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
I remember the reunion uncle Larry and aunt Louis hosted on the reservation back in the early 90s. Uncle Larry loaded me up in his old vw van and we took off to fishing. After riding several miles out of "town" he jerked the wheel and we took off across the prairie! It was quite a sight, that old van bouncing around over unseen obstructions through waist high prairie grass. We were giggling like a couple of school girls. We finally made it to a small spit of a pond and I remember thinking there was no way this mud hole would hold any fish, boy was I wrong. Uncle Larry had put me on a honey hole! I cherish that memory. We can be comforted by the words of Paul... To be absent from the body,is to be present with the Lord!
Prayers for peace.
Seth Gammon
Jean Duran posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
When I was 15 I spent the summer with family going between Bohlmann’s and Grimme’s. I loved to sing and Uncle Larry arranged for him and I to sing at several church services that summer. It was a delight being on the Grimme farm where my mom and uncle Larry were born, even with those three rascal boy cousins who constantly played tricks on me. Larry was like my mom Mary, friendly, quick to smile and music flowing from his heart!
Sandi Kramer posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
We are so sorry that we cannot be back in time for the service. I have so many good memories of Larry and the farm. When I think of our conversations and his music it makes me smile. I imagine all the people he is visiting with in Heaven right right now. Hugs and Prayers during this time.
Sandi Kramer
Anonymous purchased flowers
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

All our love, Donna and LeRoy, Jerry and Linda and family, Bill and Peggy, Ben and Mary
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A Memorial Tree was planted for Larry Grimme
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Opsahl-Kostel Funeral Home & Crematory Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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The family of Larry Rae Grimme uploaded a photo
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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